
Limited Liability Partnership

A Limited Liability Partnership firm (LLP) is a combination of a Partnership Firm and a Private Limited company where the business is carried out on the basis of terms and conditions mutually adopted under the partnership deed. Minimum of two persons are required for its registration. It enjoys the benefits of both a private limited company and a partnership firm for example it has its own existence, liability of the partners is limited and no partner is responsible for other partner’s negligence and misconduct. However, unlike a private limited company the LLP cannot take investment by giving shares of the company or appoint directors. As per the provisions of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008, Ministry of Corporate Affairs is the designated authority for registration of an LLP.


Following documents are required for incorporation of LLP:

  1. Passport size photographs of all partners
  2. Email ID and Contact Number of all partners
  3. PAN Card of all partners
  4. Voter ID/ Passport/ Driving License of all partners
  5. Copy of utility bill along with NOC/ rent agreement/ sale deed/ lease deed for registered office address.

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