

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is a legal authority that offers a food license to all food business operators (FBO) in India. All the FBOs must follow all the rules and regulations of FSSAI for food quality control.

FSSAI Registration ensures the security of food products and it is essentially a food safety certificate circulated by the food authority in India. All the manufacturers, traders, restaurants, grocery shops, importers and exporters, etc are eligible for issuing FSSAI Licence. FSSAI Licensing assures that food products undergo specific quality checks, thereby decreasing the cases of adulteration, substandard products

Benefits of FSSAI Registration-

Consumer Awareness:-FBOs must know FSSAI Licence adds on the benefit of a reliable & loyal customer base.

Legal Advantage:-FSSAI Registration is done under the regulatory body FSSAI, legal action being taken for any non- compliance.

FSSAI Logo:-FSSAI logo is a mark of validity and an assurance to your consumers that the food is safe to consume.

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