
Indian Subsidiary of a Foreign Company

In the present scenario India is among the fastest growing economies in the world. Hence, it is preferred as an excellent destination for investment. When a company which is incorporated outside India acquires more than 50% stake an Indian Company that Indian Company becomes the subsidiary of foreign company. The subsidiary company has to comply with relevant rules and regulations as laid down by the GOI.


Following documents are required for incorporation of LLP:

  1. Passport size photographs of all the directors and shareholders
  2. Email ID and Contact Number of all the directors and shareholders
  3. PAN Card of all all the directors and shareholders
  4. Voter ID/ Passport/ Driving License of all the directors and shareholders
  5. Copy of utility bill along with NOC/ rent agreement/ sale deed/ lease deed for registered office address.
  6. Passport of foreign directors
  7. COI issued by foreign government
  8. Copy of resolution for opening subsidiary company in India.

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